
Greyhound Stadion in Wimbledon soll wieder geöffnet werden?

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

es ist in der Diskussion das Greyhound Stadion in Wimbledon doch wieder für Greyhoundrennen zu öffnen. Um den Tierschützern in Großbritannien unsere Unterstützung zukommen zu lassen und zu zeigen, dass auch jenseits des Ärmelkanals das Geschehen um die Greyhounds aufmerksam verfolgt wird, schicken Sie bitte folgenden Brief an die drei angegebenen Emailadressen:

sophie.jones@merton.gov.uk, ged.curran@merton.gov.uk, chief.executive@merton.gov.uk

Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe,
Ihr ProGreyhound- Team


London Borough of Merton
Civic Centre
London Road

Dear Mr Curren

I would like to lodge an objection to any proposal of plans to reconstruct Wimbledon Stadium and would very much appreciate your support.
I have stated my reasons for this objection below;

• Greyhound racing is in severe decline in the UK and I believe a Greyhound stadium does not benefit any community.

• Promotion of gambling in the younger generation is clearly unhealthy and could send young families into financial difficulty. Research performed in relation to gambling addictions in young people have been proven to be at very high levels in Ireland, where greyhound racing is held on a pedestal.

• Wimbledon greyhound stadium has a bad reputation of race fixing, many cases have been highlighted in the media, including a committee member of the Greyhound Trainers Association administering class B drugs to his dog.

• The return of Wimbledon AFC stadium would be highly likely to promote a healthy outlook for the community and would likely encourage the younger generation to become involved in sporting activities, giving them a brighter future with less health problems. The NHS is struggling due to the many health problems that stem from the rising obesity in the UK, therefore we should be focussing on ways to reduce the strain inflicted on the NHS and the costs that are incurred due to this growing problem.

• Due to the current financial status of the UK, I believe we should be assisting businesses that prove to have good financial prospects, rather than those that are longstanding and clearly failing.

• Although I understand animal welfare is not taken into account when considering planning applications, I would like to highlight that there is a rising problem of abandoned dogs in the UK, which imposes costs on local authorities. The majority if not all greyhound rescues are struggling to cope with the amount of greyhounds in their care.
I would like to state my concerns regarding Wimbledon Greyhound Welfare. Any offer of support WGW have given in connection to rehoming dogs from Wimbledon Stadium should be very carefully considered. The greyhound racing industry expels thousands of dogs each year, therefore we should question any rescue who supports greyhound racing while abandoned dogs are on the rise due to greyhound trainers and owners in general being unable to cope with veterinary fees etc, especially within the current financial climate, hence any support from WGW for this industry can only imply that they are thinking solely of their own financial gain and disregarding any associated problems.

look forward to receiving your views on this matter.

Kind regards
Bitte hier den Namen eintragen, Germany

Please see for further information that supports this letter;



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Ihr ProGreyhound-Team